Major Causes of Hair Loss and Its Proper Treatment

Depending on the cause, hair loss can appear in many different ways. It can strike suddenly or over time, affecting only your scalp or the entire body.

Potential Hair Loss Causes:

1. Alopecia Areata (AA)

Alopecia areata is a type of autoimmune condition in which your immune system attacks and destroys your hair follicles, preventing new hair growth. Inflammation is brought on when the immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles. Researchers do not entirely understand the immune system’s attack on hair follicles, but they believe that environmental (non-genetic) and genetic factors play a significant role. Alopecia areata is the medical term for hair loss. Depending on the AA type, hair loss can occur only on the scalp or all over the body. This autoimmune condition can cause thinning hair, patches of hair loss, some baldness, or total baldness, and it can be permanent or temporary.

2. Stress:

“Extreme stress, such as developing an illness or undergoing surgery that puts stress on the body and mind,” can lead to hair loss. In addition, acute telogen effluvium, in which up to 70% of hair follicles enter a resting (telogen) state instead of the estimated 10% to 20% that is generally in the telogen stage, affects many people. Another condition called “Trichotillomania” may cause your figurative pulling out of your hair when under stress or tension. People with this mental illness deal with negative emotions like stress and anxiety by self-pulling hair from their face, scalp, and other body parts. The majority of cases involve teenage girls.

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3. Nutrient Deficiencies:

Because they aid in the hair growth cycle and cellular turnover, deficiencies in specific vitamins and minerals can cause hair loss and reduced hair growth.

Vitamin deficiencies that can lead to hair loss include a lack of protein, biotin, zinc, and iron.

Especially “Iron Deficiency in pre-menopausal women is one of the main causes of hair loss and could indicate an underlying medical condition.”

Environmental Factors in hair loss:

Suppose a person is not taking care of his/her diet and not getting a significant amount of needed macros while also experiencing high-stress levels. In that case, such people are more likely to develop certain hair loss conditions mentioned above. All of your efforts to strengthen your hair may be wasting away if you take a shower in hard water. Is hair loss possible with hard water? To put it briefly, although not directly, hard water can harm your hair, which can indirectly result in hair loss or at least its appearance.

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An unhealthy lifestyle does terrible for your overall health, including your shiny, beautiful hair.

From having junk food to washing your hair with hard water daily, it does affect your hair growth; as you finish your shower, apply soft, filtered water to your hair and scalp to prevent scaly buildup caused by hard water’s magnesium and calcium.

Sometimes Home Remedies Are Not Enough

It’s a good idea to try some helpful grandma tips; it indeed works. But in some cases, it wouldn’t work, and if you tried to have a well-balanced diet and tried all the home remedies possible, you still face the frustrating hair loss issue. That’s when you need professional medical help to prevent severe hair loss problems; without immediate medical assistance or the proper treatment, your condition can even worsen if you do not receive prompt medical attention or the appropriate treatment regarding persistent hair loss.

Best Hair loss Treatment in Liverpool

If you’re a resident of beautiful Liverpool and worried that your hair would fall out? Or is it becoming stressful to look for a cost-efficient treatment for hair loss? We’ve got you covered, so don’t worry. Harley Street Hair Transplant Clinic, their branch in Liverpool, provides an effective treatment for hair loss with higher success rates. Since 2013, their team has been involved in the hair transplant industry. During this time, they have refined their approach to treating each client in accordance with their specific requirements for hair loss treatment.

Mission Statement of Harley Street Hair Transplant

“Our goal is to ensure that our patients are well-informed, have faith in our staff, are comfortable during the procedure, and are pleased with their outcomes. Our primary objective is to provide all our customers with the best possible service and results at an affordable cost. Our customers share our enthusiasm for the work we do. Our client’s positive feedback can be seen in the ratings they leave for us on Trust Pilot and Google.”

The Most Common Treatments Include:


The FUE transplant procedure looks like it will implant between 1,000 and 6,000 individual hair follicles from the donor area onto the part of your scalp that is balding or thinning. One of our hair restoration surgeons performs this treatment, which basically “transports” hair that hasn’t been affected by the hormone DHT (one of the leading causes of hair loss) to the part of your scalp that needs a hair coat. This gives you a natural look because your hair is used.


An eyebrow transplant is a surgical procedure that aims to counteract the effects of hair loss and restore a fuller appearance to your brow. It is performed by one of our certified hair transplant surgeons. Eyebrow transplants can help you feel better about yourself, whether you consider them as a treatment for ill health or for any other medical reason.


A beard transplant is a facial hair restoration procedure that involves implanting your own hair into the affected area from other parts of your body, like the back of your scalp. A treatment for hair loss in the beard and mustache areas of your face that has been clinically proven to work is a beard transplant.


The most recent method that surgeons use to treat hair loss and thinning is called direct hair implantation (DHI). It extracts and implants follicles directly from the donor area into the area of hair loss using a specialized implanter tool known as the Choi implanter pen (hence the term “direct hair implantation”).


The invasive Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) procedure is used to treat the most severe cases of hair loss. The goal of this treatment is to long implant strips of the donor’s hair into the affected area by breaking them up into smaller follicular units. By making a small incision in your donor site, which is located on the back of your scalp, this surgical procedure removes a long strip of hair follicles. Your donor’s hairs are then meticulously separated into smaller groups of individual follicular units (or “hair grafts”) under a microscope after this strip is taken. Then, these small follicular units are inserted into the area that is affected.

Our Verdict

In addition to successfully treating their clients’ hair-related issues, they are eager to educate the general public about the underlying causes of hair loss. Their website is straightforward and user-friendly; visitors can also read blogs about hair issues, which is always helpful for learning more about legitimate hair care methods.

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