Male Sexual Health: How To Improve Sexual Life?


Male sexual health has been depleting on a continuous graphical curve from stone-age to modern age. The result is erectile dysfunctions and small penis as Darwin theory says, due to heredity because of years of sexual issues. As we have migrated from physical means of earning our bread to mental means, the white collar job and office life seems very lucrative but has much more impact on our life than physical jobs. Office job ultimately leads to stress hence resulting in low secretion of endorphin, the happiness hormone and in result it leads to low blood pressure and testosterone levels. That is why male sexual health is depleting.

Secondly, as monogamy is “out of trend” now for most of the population, it has made multiple partners as catalyst to spread viruses.  As partners change frequently, it results in in vigilance towards our sexual health and STDs transfer.  Hence, there is a very low percentage of those who have not been diagnosed with a single STD in their life time. STDs basically bring a halt to sexual life as many of these take months of medication and years of precaution to be suppressed and cured.

Finally, for those who have not come in contact with any of these, there is work pressure and depression which kills all the libido. Libido is the sex drive or the urge to have sex. Women libido has been on a downfall from centuries and it is also happening in men now. A drop in mental activity eventually makes a man feel like sex is a mechanised activity resulting in loss in libido. When there is no thrill left to feel in mind, it is termed as loss in libido.

However, there are various methods by which male libido as well as sexual life can be improved. These methods focus on physical, mental and hormonal stimulation along with forming some ground rules to avoid getting caught by any STDS. For starters, we can try to eat better. A drastic shift in diet can make sexual life much better than you can anticipate. Adding Proteins and complex carbohydrates in our body will result in fat loss and muscle gain which results in loss of obesity even without any workout.

If there is no obesity, it will increase blood flow and low cholesterol levels will also relieve heart. Another way in which we can make our sexual life better is incorporating sports in our lives.  It not only makes us physically healthy but also results in venting out all the stress we are facing. Hence every night we go in bed without any stress and there will be no build up leading to snapping. It also builds confidence and character hence we can take better decisions at office and there will be further loss in stress.

The most important part of a healthy sexual life is avoiding STDs. Try to stick to monogamy. If you are switching between partners, always use a condom and do not rely on birth control pills. Always get yourself checked for STDs every six months. There are small signs of STDs like genital irritation and flu which must not be neglected. These are also followed by a peculiar pre-cum like liquid on tip of penis hence we must not ignore these symptoms. Always get yourself checked as well as your partner which will avoid transferring of STDs to and fro.

If you have got STD is heredity, a medical course will supress your disease. It will also ensure that your STD does not transmit to your partner even if you do not use a protection.


1. What are common factors that can affect male sexual health?

  • Common factors include stress, anxiety, poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, alcohol consumption, certain medications, and underlying health conditions such as diabetes or heart disease.

2. How does diet impact male sexual health?

  • A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can improve circulation, boost energy levels, and support hormone production, all of which are vital for sexual health.

3. What role does exercise play in improving sexual health?

  • Regular exercise improves cardiovascular health, increases stamina, and helps maintain a healthy weight, all of which can enhance sexual performance. Exercise also boosts mood and reduces stress, which can positively impact sexual desire.

4. Can reducing stress improve sexual health?

  • Yes, managing stress through relaxation techniques, mindfulness, or counseling can improve sexual health. High stress levels can lead to anxiety, which can interfere with sexual performance.

5. How does smoking affect sexual health?

  • Smoking can damage blood vessels and reduce blood flow to the penis, leading to erectile dysfunction. Quitting smoking can significantly improve sexual health and overall well-being.

6. Does alcohol consumption impact sexual performance?

  • Excessive alcohol consumption can impair sexual performance by reducing libido and causing erectile dysfunction. Limiting alcohol intake can help improve sexual health.

7. Are there any natural supplements that can improve sexual health?

  • Some natural supplements like L-arginine, ginseng, and maca root are believed to support sexual health, but it’s important to consult a healthcare provider before taking any supplements.

8. What role do mental health and emotional well-being play in sexual health?

  • Mental health and emotional well-being are crucial for a satisfying sex life. Depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem can negatively impact sexual desire and performance. Seeking professional help can be beneficial.

9. How can communication with a partner improve sexual health?

  • Open and honest communication with a partner about sexual needs, desires, and concerns can enhance intimacy and lead to a more fulfilling sexual experience.

10. What are some common treatments for erectile dysfunction (ED)?

  • Treatments for ED include lifestyle changes, oral medications (e.g., sildenafil, tadalafil), therapy, vacuum erection devices, and in some cases, surgery. A healthcare provider can recommend the best treatment based on individual needs.

11. How important is sleep for sexual health?

  • Adequate sleep is essential for maintaining testosterone levels, reducing stress, and improving mood, all of which contribute to better sexual health. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep per night.

12. Can pelvic floor exercises improve sexual health?

  • Yes, pelvic floor exercises, also known as Kegel exercises, can strengthen the muscles involved in erections and ejaculation, potentially improving sexual performance and control.

13. Is it normal to experience changes in sexual health with age?

  • Yes, it’s normal for sexual health to change with age. Testosterone levels decrease, and issues like ED may become more common. However, a healthy lifestyle and proper medical care can help maintain sexual health.

14. When should I see a doctor about sexual health concerns?

  • If you experience persistent issues with sexual performance, desire, or satisfaction, it’s important to consult a healthcare provider. They can help diagnose any underlying conditions and recommend appropriate treatments.

15. Can regular check-ups improve sexual health?

  • Regular check-ups with a healthcare provider can help identify and manage health conditions that might affect sexual health, ensuring you receive appropriate care and advice.