Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: How It Occurs And How It Can Be Removed?


Sexual health issues can really bring the life of people to a stand-still. There are a countless number of sexual diseases for men as well as women. To be more precise, women sexual health issues are way more than men’s. One of the most common and most frustrating sexual issues in women is called PID. PID stands for Pelvic Inflammatory disease, which occurs in the fallopian tubes. This particular term is often used to denote the infections that occur in the organs situated in the pelvic area, but when it comes to pelvic inflammatory disease, then it is specifically pointed out in the region where fallopian tubes are present.

How PID is caused?

When a woman undergoes a sexual intercourse, then a certain bacteria gets transmitted, thus causing inflammation in the fallopian tubes. The source of infection is the intrauterine device (IUD). Although, there is a barrier in the name of cervix that prevents the bacteria from getting inside the uterus, if the cervix’s opening is dilated or wide due to a delivery, surgery or miscarriage, then the chances of the bacteria reaching the fallopian tubes becomes higher.

What are the symptoms of PID?

There are a few symptoms that confirm the presence of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in the women’s body. There will be huge pain and tenderness in the pelvic region and lower abdomen. Some women experience vomiting, fever, fatigue, irregular menstrual cycles, foul smell from vagina and pain during sex and urination.

What to do to get rid of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease?

Consulting a doctor would be the most appropriate thing to do once the symptoms occur. It will not take much long before the problem to intensify, so getting the right treatment on time is extremely important. A few samples of the cervical fluid will have to be taken in order to confirm whether the problem is PID or something else. There are a few other diseases as well, which have same symptoms.

What if the problem is not treated in its early stage?

If a woman is unable to get the proper treatment on time, then the infection will spread in the fallopian tubes and/or around ovaries. Pelvic tissues can also be damaged and leave lifelong scars. Women will not be able to conceive if the fallopian tubes get blocked, which in my opinion will be a huge setback for them. Pelvic has got a membrane lining as well, which suffers the inflammation. Not just the membrane, but also the abdominal cavities. This condition is called peritonitis. There is another condition by the name of septicaemia in which the bacteria gets inside the bloodstream and spreads to all parts of the body.

What doctors prescribe for PID?

Well, most doctors recommend aspirin and other painkillers to alleviate the pain. They also suggest not to undergo sexual intercourse for a few weeks until the problem gets reduced. It is better for women to rest and apply heat in the abdominal area (preferably lower). Sometimes, the problem gets so intensified that women are told to take antibiotics through veins. There is a procedure called the laparoscopy, which is done to check all the organs from inside. There is a surgical procedure as well in which the blocked tubes and the abscessed tissues are drained. In rare cases, the uterus, the fallopian tubes and the ovaries are removed as well to alleviate pelvic pain.

A woman whose cervix is dilated has more chances of getting PID in the upcoming future. There are a few instances, which cause cervix to dilate, these are; childbirth, miscarriage, abortion and surgeries, i.e., cutterage and dilatation. There are some special precautions, which a woman can take to lessen her chances of getting pelvic inflammatory disease. These are; avoiding the use of tampons and douches and avoiding sexual intercourse. Always keep in touch with the doctor because this disease can surge anytime, causing huge pain in the lower pelvic area.