Signs And Symptoms Of Anal Cancer

Anal Cancer

The anal is the inverse of the mouth i.e. this opening is situated toward the end of the digestive system and is utilized to discharge undesirable or other perilous outside matter. It is fundamentally for the excretion of solid waste in people. It’s important for you to know about the disease related with anal.

You might have heard about the word cancer, one of the life threatening disease for us. There is also the anal cancer which is being noticed in past couple of years. Before moving further it’s important to know that what anal cancer is exactly. This disease mainly develops around the anus area from where human excretes the waste.

You will notice the ulcer or cyst near the anus. Bleeding, itching and excessive discharge from the anal are mainly the anal cancer symptoms. Change in shape of muddy material is another symptom of it. Likely the most vital features of tumor consideration is knowing and learning. By showing ourselves about the prompts, side effects and medicines connected it, we can better prepare ourselves to handle it.

The danger components for this disease from which it mainly happens

  • Having Sex with many sex partners.
  • Gay or lesbians having sex.
  • Those having human papilloma virus (HPV) are at higher risk of anal cancer.
  • Age of person is another component in this disease .this disease mainly develops in age group of 50 or above.
  • Chain smokers are at high risk of this disease.
  • Persons having HIV positive also susceptible to anal cancer due to low immunity system by HIV disease.

Anal cancer symptoms and signs

Most common anal cancer symptoms include anal pain and bleeding. Many patients sometimes ignore these symptoms, but after a certain period of time, lumps develop across the anal area, which results in itching and severe pain and alerts the patient for medical attention.

Anal cancer: forms identified so far

  • Squamous cell carcinoma is most common form of anal cancer, this is seen at the outer wall of anal canal
  • Cloacogenic carcinoma is another form of anal cancer .this form is seen between the outer part of anus and lower part of rectum.
  • Basal cell carcinoma, this is skin cancer which develops on a skin around the anus
  • Other type of cancer is melanoma ,it darkens the skin by penetrating into the cells of skin around the anus


There are mainly two stages early and advanced stage. Early stage effects or limited to only anus, but advanced stage effects the nearby parts like pelvis and lymph nodes. There are  various imaging techniques which will help to find out the effect of anal cancer to other parts of body like lungs and pelvis-ray and CT scan are the two techniques used by the specialists and radiologists.


Treatment of anal cancer is possible if detected in early stage. Treatments includes:

  1. Chemotherapy: cancer cell are treated with the help of drugs. Drugs may be taken locally or to be injected by the process of catheterization. These drugs kill the cancer cells in early stages.
  2. Radiation: high radiations are used along with chemotherapy for treating anal cancer. Some patients have side effects of chemotherapy, therefore it may discontinued.
  3. Surgical Operation: this is the last option left for treatment of cancer patient. It creates colostomy in abdomen called stroma. It will perform the function of anus of excreting the waste out of body.

The doctors will advise anyone treatment said above according to the stage of the cancer. In some cases surgical operation is followed by chemotherapy and radiation. Sometimes there is no need of surgery, the patients are treated with the chemotherapy and radiation only.

The field of cancer is much vast and from these deadly disease we cannot predict anything before but with knowledge and learning we can stop it from exaggerating it further to all parts of the body and diagnose it at early not feel uncomfortable or shy to consult doctor if you noticed any such symptoms in your body.