What Are Sexually Transmitted Infections? How They Occur And How To Prevent Them?

Sexually Transmitted Infections

Sexually transmitted infections are commonly known as sexually transmitted diseases. Nowadays It is very common and spreading at very fast pace around the world. It is an infections which transfers from one person to another. There are different reasons of transmitting of these infections but the main reason of STI is having unsafe sex. As people knows that prevention is better than cure, the most adequate way of preventing this type of infections is not having sex with effected partner.

What are sexually transmitted infections (STI)?

STI is a kind of infection in which bacteria, parasite or virus enters from one body to another through infected blood or during sex and grows in the body. Initially there are no symptoms, the person knows about disease at later stage. The infection can be passed from one person to another through vaginal sex, oral sex and anal sex. It can also spread through using unsterilized drug needles, from mother to child during birth and transmitting contaminated blood into body. In some cases it can be seen that breast feeding is also one of the reason of spreading the disease. There are around 30 different kind of virus that can spread STI. The common signs of infections are discharge whether it is vaginal or penile, pain in abdominal mainly in pelvic region, nervous disorder, ulcers or itching on or around genitals.

Types of transmitted infections:

  1. Bacterial infections: The main infections are chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis. These infections are called bacterial infections because they spread from bacteria. These are curable, the effected persons have to take antibiotics.
  2. Viral infections: The most dangerous infections are viral infections which spreads through viruses. The main viral infections are HIV also commonly known as AIDS, Hepatitis B and herpes. These are incurable diseases. Millions of people can be seen affected with HIV around the world.
  3. Parasitic infections: these types of infections are mainly caused by parasites. Crabs and scabies are two main parasites that are contagious in nature. These can be shifted from one person to another by sleeping in same bed or come into contact by touching. The main signs of this type of infection is itching or rashes.
  4. Fungal infections: These types of infections are caused by fungus. The main symptoms in this infection are vaginal irritation or itching with smelling discharge. It is also called candidiasis. It can be diagnosed by taking treatment for a short span of time.

Prevention and remedies:

The best method to prevent from sexual transmitted infections is to stay away from the affected person. Be loyal to your partner and do not feel embarrassed to tell you previous history about any disease or intercourse. Always have safe sex by using condoms or other methods available in market. Do not use unsterilized and used needles. Do not take blood of STI infected person. Women should be examined of HIV test prior to pregnancy so that disease will not harm the new born baby.

  1. Vaccination: proper vaccination of Hepatitis A and B should be done in order to prevent yourself against this disease. with this vaccination if done at proper time then you can reduce the risk of getting it
  2. Contraceptives: use of contraceptive available in the market and latex condoms every time.
  3. Nonoxynol-9: this is a spermicide which usually act as fighter against the infection. This spermicide compound mainly acts as a lubricant for condoms which will help to lesser the local vaginal infections.
  4. Sexual health checks: Health check for both partner before indulging in any sexual activity is must.

What can be done to avoid getting STI?

  1. Keep away from affected person.
  2. Use condoms when having sex, and wash your genitals and urinate after sex.
  3. Avoid multiple partners, as this also leads to viral infections.

It is very risky to delay the treatment of such kind of sexually transmitted diseases even after knowing it. Proper hygiene and thorough knowledge about these hazardous diseases is the only way to abstain from such infections.